Launching Communicator with specific profile


I have set up several profiles in Communicator, but I mostly use one. Do I
have to choose a profile every time? 


No, you don't. You can set up a command-line option to start a particular

(Note: Command line options aren't available in the Mac version.)

In Windows 95/98/NT: 

1.  Locate your Communicator icon on the desktop. 
2.  Right-click on the icon, select Properties, the Shortcut tab. 
3.  You need  to add your profile name to the command line. Let’s say your
    profile is called John. Then the command line would look like this: 

    "C:\Program Files\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe" -P"John" 

    Note that there is no space between -P and quotes. 

In Windows 3.1 

1.  Locate Communicator icon in Communicator Program group. 
2.  Click on it, and then hit Alt-Enter to bring up icon properties. 
3.  Modify command line in a similar fashion to point 3 above. However
    command lines begin with drive:\netscape\navstart rather than the path to
    netscape.exe. Command options (arguments) for navstart.exe have to
    begin with a fully qualified path to netscape.exe. For example in Windows
    3.1 your command line may look like:
    c:\programs\netscape\navstart.exe "c:\programs\netscape\netscape.exe" -P"John" 

    Windows NT systems are able to use NTs internal calls to the current user's
    profile by substituting %USERNAME% for the profile name
    (%USERNAME% instead of John in the example). 

For a complete listing of the Command line options available see:
	Communicator's Command Line Options

Copyright © 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation

(c)2000 Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Fakler - zuletzt geändert 20.12.2000