Communicator's Command Line Options

On Windows platforms you can use command line configuration options to control how Communicator opens, which components open initially, and what the components do when they open. There are also command line options that apply to Communicator on the Unix platform.

Also see the Parameter Definitions and Syntax Rules that follow the Windows and Unix command line options.

Windows 3.1x, 95, NT

Options Syntax

Result Command Parameters
Create a dummy profile and launch the Account Setup application (through which the user will create a real account). Applies to version 4.02 or later. -new_account  
Run Navigator (3.x) or Communicator (4.x) using a particular initialization file. -i [path to initialization file]
Open Navigator in "kiosk" mode (without menus or buttons). Applies to versions 3.x, or 4.02 or later. -k  
Open Navigator in "super-kiosk" mode (borderless, full-screen display that can be further customized with JavaScript). Applies to version 4.02 or later. -sk  
Load Java at start-up, while splash screen is displayed. Helpful when running enterprise and kiosk applications. Applies to version 4.02 or later. -start_java  
Before Communicator opens, ask the user to fill out a new profile. -new_profile  
Before Communicator opens, display the Profile Manager so the user can choose the correct identity. -profile_manager  
Run Communicator using a particular user profile. -P (uppercase "P" is required) ["user's profile name"]
e.g., -P"profilename"
Open Navigator regardless of any conflicting preferences. -browser  
Open Navigator and display a local HTML document.   [file_name]
Open Navigator and use the HTML document at the named URL as a home page. -h [URL]
Open Messenger (displays the Inbox by default). -mail  
Open the Inbox in Messenger. -inbox  
Open the Message Center and go to the first subscribed discussion group server. -news  
Open the Message Center to see all folders. -folders  
Open the Address Book. -address  
Import an LDIF file into the Address Book. Note that entries that are exact duplicates are not added. -import [LDIF_file_name]
Export the contents of the Address Book as an LDIF file. Only exporting occurs. Exported file automatically gets .ldif extension. -export [LDIF_file_name]
Open Page Composer without specifying an HTML document. -edit  
Open Page Composer and load a particular HTML document. -edit [file_name]
Open new Message Composition window. -compose  
Open new Message Composition window with attachments. -compose [@attachments] | [-attachment]
Open new Message Composition window, automatically inserting message and attachments. -compose [message @attachments] |
[message -attachment]
Run Netcaster. Requires that Netcaster is already installed. -netcaster  

Windows 3.1 Differences


Options Syntax

Result Command Parameters
Display a list of all the command line options, with a brief explanation of each. -help  
Open NetHelp at start-up. -nethelp [nethelp_URL]
Bypass the license page that appears at start-up. -no-about-splash  
Show the version number and build date. -version  
Specify the X server to use. -display [dpy]
Start up iconified. -iconic  
Force session management on. Session management is supported by default. -session-management  
Force session management off. Session management is supported by default. -no-session-management  
Force session management on. Session management is supported on Irix by default. This may be needed on Irix systems that require explicit settings, as with some SGI systems. -irix-session-management  
Force session management off. Session management is supported on Irix by default. This may be needed on Irix systems that require explicit settings, as with some SGI systems. -no-irix-session-management  
Ignore window geometry saved for session. -ignore-geometry-prefs  
Don't save the session's window geometry. dont-save-geometry-prefs  
Use a specific server visual. -visual [id-or-number]
Install a private color map. -install  
Use the default color map. -no-install  
Set the maximum number of colors to allocate for images (when not using -install). -ncols [N]
Force 1-bit-deep image display. -mono  
Set a specific X resource. -xrm [resource-spec]
Execute a command in an already running Netscape process. -remote [remote-command]
Following a -remote command, cause the window to raise to the top. -raise  
Following a -remote command, do not cause the window to raise to the top. -noraise  
Ignore the alwaysraised, alwayslowered, and z-lock attributes of JavaScript -dont-force-window-stacking  
The ID of an X window to which -remote commands should be sent (if unspecified, the first window found is used). -id [window-id]
Show only the Component Bar. -component-bar  
Position and size the Messenger and Collabra windows. -geometry =WxH+X+Y (the default is 620x950+630+40)
Open Messenger (displays the Inbox by default). -messenger  
Open Messenger (an alternate option that also displays the Inbox by default). -mail  
Open the Message Center and go to the first subscribed discussion group server. -discussions  
Open the Message Center and go to the first subscribed discussion group server (an alternate option that works the same as -discussions). -news  
Open Composer and optionally open the document at the specified URL. -composer [URL]
Open Composer and optionally open the document at the specified URL (an alternate option that works the same as -composer). -edit [URL]

Parameter Definitions

Note that parameters other than switches are interpreted as files or URLs to be loaded.

Parameter Definition
path to initialization file The full path to the appropriate initialization file. The default name for this file is netscape.ini.
"user's profile name" The individual user's name as it appears in the Profile Manager, bracketed by quotes.
file_name The full path to the HTML document.
URL The URL of the page to display.
LDIF_file_name The full path to the LDIF file.
message The name of a file containing a message, including its full path. The default search location is the Temp directory.
attachments The name or names of the attachments or attachment lists, including the full path for each. Lists are preceded with the @ symbol, individual attachments are preceded with a hyphen. Multiple names are delimited by a vertical bar ( | ), single names are preceded by a hyphen ( - ). The default search location is the Temp directory.
nethelp_URL The URL of the NetHelp content, usually located in folders below \nethelp\netscape.
dpy The name of the Unix X server to use, in the format machinename:0.
id-or-number The specific server visual to use.
N The integer for the maximum number of colors to allocate for images.
resource-spec The name of a specific X resource.
remote-command The remote command to execute in an already-running Netscape process. For more information, see Remote Control of Unix Netscape.
window-id The ID of an X window to receive -remote commands.

Syntax Rules

Copyright © 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation

(c)2000 Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Fakler - zuletzt geändert 20.12.2000